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Craig Parker | all galleries >> Chain of Flowers >> Concert Photos >> 4Tour 2007-08 >> Denver 05/21/08 > simonporlkiss.jpg
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Porl and Simon share a kiss at Red Rocks.
Photo by Joy and Creighton

Canon PowerShot SD750
1/60s f/4.5 at 14.4mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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lynnoflyns 20-Jun-2008 20:10
Hell, who wouldn't want to kiss Simon?! Who can blame Porl?
Gothdell 01-Jun-2008 01:09
I LIKE IT... They did they same at the "Wish Tour" in the US, during they performing "Primary"... Do you remember? (look at the official video)
Guest 31-May-2008 15:16
ummm.....actually both of them are straight and always have been if u knew anything about the cure.
doncare 31-May-2008 11:34
ieeeuwwww 2 old gays :S :S
Guest 31-May-2008 08:06
Wish I was Prol^^
*~ 30-May-2008 23:03
Oooo. My heart jumped for a moment.
this is why i love you
cause you're free, cause you're wild
and all the things you do to make my head spin
gives me such a smile...