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Craig Parker | all galleries >> Chain of Flowers >> Close Encounters > alexisrobertcarson.jpg
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Alexis with Robert in Carson, Ca. (August 27th, 2004)

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alexis 16-Apr-2008 21:39
dear god this is an old pic!!! haha i love you robert smith
alexis 16-Apr-2008 21:39
dear god this is an old pic!!! haha i love you robert smith
cheery-O 16-Oct-2005 03:53
I want my wish to come true--I'm 13 too! Robert, PLEEEEEASE come to Atlanta!
alex 07-Apr-2005 22:42
I'm Glad my wife and I can make our daughter so happy, I'm glad her wish came true
alexis 13-Mar-2005 08:00
I want to thank robert for being the sweetest person, I love the Cure so much and I feel very lucky, I hope another yung 13 year old gets a chance to meet the cure just like I did, And I want to thank my mom because of her I would have never meet the cure, thank you mom!!!!!!!!!
hm 24-Jan-2005 02:02
she looks pained.....

does robert hurt?
simon 06-Jan-2005 14:26