Angela, Alan and Zoe with Jason in San Francisco (August 28th, 2004)
"We were able to get into the SF after party. The people in front of us gave my 2 year old daughter, Zoe, one of their VIP passes during the concert. They let me, my wife, Angela, and me in even though we only had the one pass. Anyway, we got some pictures with Perry, Jason and Roger. Perry loved Zoe and kept talking to her for a long time asking her what her name was, etc. She was shy and didnt say much. She was holding my tour book and handed it to him. He said, "Oh, is this for me? I think it belongs to your daddy. But, I will draw you a picture." Then he kept asking her what her favorite animal was and she was still too shy to talk. He drew a flower on the tour book and she said "Flower!" He said "Yes." We told him her fav. animal is tigers. So then he drew what looked like a cat (no stripes yet) and so Zoe said, "Cat!" He said, "Right. Thank you for knowing what that is. But this cat has stripes so its a tiger. " Then he also signed his name. Jason and Roger were also taken by her and talked to her a bit. Jasons wife tried to get her to dance with her, but she was still being shy. Roger played with her a bit and made little baby talk noises. She finally spoke then we we all had to leave. She said, "bye Roger" then kept repeating it all the way to the car
Anyway, here are the pictures for the "Close Encounters" page. They were all taken at the SF afterparty."