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Craig Parker | all galleries >> Chain of Flowers >> Concert Photos >> 4Tour 2007-08 >> Houston 06/09/08 > houston0838.jpg
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I was at the Houston show 4th row to be exact. In the review of the show by the COF contributor Christina she stated "made a sign with a notepad i had in my bag that read "DID U GET MY ROSES?" and held it up for robert to see. .......then i held it up again later for robert to see and i mouthed "so no?" and he smiled, kinda laughed, and mouthed "fuck i have no clue" something like that and shrugged his shoulders."
I was going through my pictures I took at the show and I have a picture of that.

Photo by Wirebaughs

Canon PowerShot SD40
1/60s f/5.6 at 14.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Laurent 18-Oct-2008 10:52
This one's brilliant...
KetZer 18-Oct-2008 10:39
Whoah... without reading the explanation, his expression looks really sinister. Almost brings to mind the few last fade out frames of the In Between Days video. Ho hum..