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monica memoli | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favourites > S. Maria della Sanità
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S. Maria della Sanità


Kodak DX7630
1/2s f/3.4 at 8.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Peterfree01-Oct-2008 09:56
great ambiance! Beautiful colors. Welldone. Voted.
Geoff Smith01-Apr-2008 21:57
12317-Feb-2008 05:53
Awesome. V
Guest 16-Feb-2008 11:19
Congratulations Monica! well deserved, this image is fantastic! Pascale
Guest 13-Feb-2008 03:02
Amazing image- congratulations for winning!
Markus Grompe11-Feb-2008 02:35
congratulations for winning with this outstanding picture... viva Napoli!
Treas10-Feb-2008 21:12
Congratulations! You won the 73rd Show & Tell Contest: Diaphanous
From the first this image captured my attention.
Thank you for entering,
Enrico Martinuzzi04-Feb-2008 12:49
What a shot! Outstanding... Brava Monica.
globalgadabout14-Nov-2007 15:42
a rich and evocative image
Victoria04-Oct-2007 08:36
Mysterious en beautiful.
yannick Beunard16-May-2007 13:30
Superb picture , Monica !
Guest 13-May-2007 11:09
Found this on the Show&Tell forum, how could i have missed it until now?? One vote, only because more are not accepted... Mi piace davvero moltissimo
Eldar Kadymov02-Mar-2007 16:05
Holy macaroni, you're absolutely right. First class photography !
GdL30-Nov-2006 19:14
Stunning image!
Ana Carloto O'Shea28-Nov-2006 17:46
Wow! This is awesome!!!!
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