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C.M. Kwan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wide Views > Victoria Harbour
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16-JUN-2007 CM Kwan

Victoria Harbour

Hong Kong

Please click on "original" to see this breathtaking panorama.
To see its dusky view, please click on the following image:

Dusky view of Victoria Harbour

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Range View 04-Jul-2012 08:27
This is a most breathtaking panorama! BV
Guest 02-Apr-2011 16:57
This is wonderful~ Did you do it with vertical photos? BV.
Rosemarie Kusserow02-Dec-2010 17:05
This image is amazing as well, fantastic and very enjoyable in original size, VVV
Rosemarie :o)
Guest 18-Sep-2009 08:59
Really great panorama! V
Guest 16-Jun-2009 14:11
A great panorama, great detail, excellent work!! V!
Martha Albuquerque28-May-2009 14:32
Superb pano and city, V~
ac06-Apr-2009 18:09
Impressive, beautiful, yes, breathtaking.
Milos Markovic01-Mar-2008 13:28
Jean-Luc Elias07-Dec-2007 08:26
Wow!Perfectly stished
Pierre Schneider06-Sep-2007 16:28
Great Pano, congratulations. -V-
2004 18-Jun-2007 14:01
Wonderful picture !
Char17-Jun-2007 02:34
Hi CM,
How beautiful! What an amazing pano. It's truly perfect in every way. \/
QUERIDO16-Jun-2007 18:54
Beautiful shot,vote
Guest 16-Jun-2007 16:08
This is very unique; HK is very nice place, i like to have "yin yong" again there!
Guest 16-Jun-2007 15:15
Hi CM,
That terrific, did you stitch them up?
Guest 16-Jun-2007 13:03
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful photo...
Blue skies and clouds...
Good thing to have rainf for the last days to clean up the sky ^^