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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 12-24mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S DX

Nikkor 12-24mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S DX Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 12-Dec-2002
Lens Mount: AF-S
Random Nikkor 12-24mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S DX Samples from 18171 available Photos more
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Guest 14-Jun-2010 21:37
I love the perspectives this lens can give me. However, it is not as sharp as I had hoped. Saving now for the 14-28 F2.8.
ron shufflebarger24-Mar-2009 03:21
I sold my original copy of this lens to buy the 14-24mm(shooting D300's) and the 14-24mm lens is astounding------but--after a bit I needed a bit of a lower range and bought the 11-16 tokina, then wanted something a bit smaller to carry on walk about so got a Tokina 12-24.
The results are that I did wrong, and after looking at picts I was taking with the Tokinas vs the nikon 12-24(100's if not thougsand I had shot before) I reordered the nikon and sold my tokinas.
I now have a full Nikon line up with the 10.5, the 12-24, and the awesome big brother 14-24. Would have saved bunches of money if I had done that in the first place----ron s.
Guest 17-Apr-2008 00:32
Perfect piece of lens that justifies its price. Actually, you cannot go wider with non-fisheye Nikon DX lens as of today. I used it heavily in my New York City gallery at:
Harry Lavo02-Apr-2008 03:11
Excellent landscape lens and creative lens. On more mundane level, useful for indoor shooting of rooms and rooms full of people. Expensive, but sharp and clear at almost any length and aperture.
julianosoares24-Sep-2007 16:50
This is probably the best ultra wide angle lens for Nikon mount digital SLR.
David Woo22-Aug-2006 06:52
This is a very good lense. It provide very sharp image at F8 but a little bit soft at F4 on 12mm. The downside of the is just the price, very expensive compare to sigma and tokina. Here are some sample photo of the lense.
David Woo22-Aug-2006 06:50
This is a very good lense. It provide very sharp image at F8 but a little bit soft at F4 on 12mm. The downside of the is just the price, very expensive compare to sigma and tokina. Here are some sample photo of the lense.
Guest 16-May-2006 04:25
Mattew made excellent use of this lens in Maldives :>
JB25-Oct-2004 02:09
An excellent wide angle zoom for Nikon digital SLRs.

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