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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> trogons > Masked Trogon (female)
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25-JAN-2008 Tom Munson

Masked Trogon (female)


Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM
1/30s f/9.0 at 700.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ulla Kruys26-Sep-2008 19:49
Wonderful image!
tomandlinda18-Apr-2008 20:42
BEAUTIFUL again. Love the color combination on this bird. Background is wonderful. V. Linda
carol j. phipps12-Apr-2008 04:29
Fantastical! Vote
Dan Ng11-Apr-2008 04:27
Wow...what a colorful bird and long tail. V.
coaster09-Apr-2008 05:11
Beautiful bird and capture, Tom.
Carol Rollins08-Apr-2008 12:25
Hi Tom, this is a wonderful capture of this beautiful Trogon. Excellent colors and detail with a lovely environment. V
Carole Stevens08-Apr-2008 10:56
Gorgeous find, isnt she beautiful!
Guest 08-Apr-2008 10:29
Beautiful shot of this interesting bird, Tom. Love the setting.
Debbie Blackburn Beierle08-Apr-2008 06:52
Beautiful bird! Excellent pose and detail. Love the bokeh! Wonderful job, Tom!!
Sheila08-Apr-2008 05:15
It is such a pleasure seeing the wonderful birds you photographed in Ecuador.
john savage08-Apr-2008 05:13
great shot, excellent dof, gorgeous bird. v.
Peter Ericsson08-Apr-2008 05:01
Aren't they just wonderful?
January Grey08-Apr-2008 03:46
Such a treat! Another fantastic capture, Tom. What a sweet pose! V~
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad08-Apr-2008 02:38
Another spectacular bird and a wonderful shot. Voted
James Prudente08-Apr-2008 02:33
Outstanding image of a stunning Trogon.
Guest 08-Apr-2008 01:46
Great image all the colors blend perfectly and the exposure is just right, well done. V
s_barbour08-Apr-2008 01:41
What a stunning bird! Wonderful pose and a terrific composition! V
Janet Forjan-Freedman08-Apr-2008 01:30
Excellent work capturing this bird's gorgeous colours and the pose is great for showing them off!
Liz Bickel08-Apr-2008 01:28
Wow! Gorgeous.
Hank Vander Velde08-Apr-2008 00:14
Pat Hemlepp07-Apr-2008 23:58
Nice image, Tom.
Peter Stahl07-Apr-2008 23:00
Amazing capture. A really tough bird to find. Terrific detail and lighting. GMV.
Bob Foisel07-Apr-2008 20:51
Wonderfull detail Tom V.
Tom Munson07-Apr-2008 19:33
Opps Sandi
Tom Munson07-Apr-2008 19:32
Yes Sandy, they were all wild birds.
Sandi Whitteker07-Apr-2008 19:24
Incredible shot Tom. Wonderful details, colors and even the look on it's face is special. Dof and framing are perfect.
Guest 07-Apr-2008 18:46
Wow! Gorgeous! v
Jess. ( Lady.D.)07-Apr-2008 18:30
Unusual and interesting colouring on this bird Tom, gorgeous background and details...
fdt07-Apr-2008 18:14
Nice catch. f
Jay Levin07-Apr-2008 17:57
Beautiful and tack sharp, Tom, in a great setting. Vote
Kathy Pedersen07-Apr-2008 17:39
This is just exquisite, Tom. Lovely details and setting, and the bokeh is perfect! V
Fong Lam07-Apr-2008 16:45
Cute looking bird with beautiful colors.
Nice pose in a lovely setting.
Steve Morris07-Apr-2008 16:23
Awesome - like a painting on a mirror I once had!! V
Darren Murphy07-Apr-2008 16:12
Another great capture Tom. The colors are striking!!!!
Char07-Apr-2008 15:46
Hi Tom,
A wonderful capture of this rare bird. I've never seen anything like it. The colors are gorgeous. \/
Char07-Apr-2008 15:46
Hi Tom,
A wonderful capture of this rare bird. I've never seen anything like it. The colors are gorgeous. \/
Guest 07-Apr-2008 15:40
just beautiful
Marco Valk07-Apr-2008 15:26
beautiful image. wonderful color. gmv
Bryan Murahashi07-Apr-2008 15:08
Beautiful pose and bird. V
Guest 07-Apr-2008 15:04
Excellent image Tom, nice detail in the feathers..voted