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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-a-Day in May > Tug Boat Pushing Coal.
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Tug Boat Pushing Coal.

Guest 01-Jun-2008 02:06
Fantastic! Interesting subject. vote
laine8231-May-2008 22:35
A very peaceful glide along the river..well done, Carol.
Al Chesworth31-May-2008 20:22
Very tranquil scene after all that hard graft of getting the coal.
The lighting is quite beautiful.
Guest 31-May-2008 17:28
Beautiful scene! I like the way the sun is hitting the trees in the background.
Carol Rollins31-May-2008 16:31
Wonderful shots Carol! These are both beautiful with wonderful light and comp. V
Coleen Perilloux Landry31-May-2008 03:43
Wonderful light and composition.
Terri Steele31-May-2008 03:34
Excellent and quite interesting too! ;)
Bryan Murahashi31-May-2008 03:12
Nice capture of this river at work. V
Marcia Colelli31-May-2008 02:42
Nice capture V
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