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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> June Daily! > Blazing Yellow Roses!
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Blazing Yellow Roses!

Kodak Z650
1/640s f/5.6 at 6.3mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
CM Kwan14-Jun-2008 23:17
Wow, wonderful light and perspective, Carol! V
Kathy Pedersen09-Jun-2008 22:17
Lovely lighting and colors, Carol!
Char02-Jun-2008 02:02
Hi Carol,
Truly beautiful! A wonderful capture of the colors. \/
john savage02-Jun-2008 01:53
Very nice image of these pretty roses. V
Tom Munson01-Jun-2008 18:03
Great shot, Carol. Beautiful. v
Bryan Murahashi01-Jun-2008 16:22
Beautiful roses and capture. V
Guest 01-Jun-2008 13:57
Beautiful !! vote
Mindy McNaugher01-Jun-2008 04:49
Glorious sunlight and colors! Beautiful shot Carol! Vote!
Carol Rollins01-Jun-2008 04:43
Wow, gorgeous!! V
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