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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lyrical June Challenge > A Squirrel's Heartbeat
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A Squirrel's Heartbeat

If we had a keen vision
of all that is ordinary in human life,
it would be like hearing the grass grow or
the squirrel's heart beat, and we
should die of that roar
which is the other side of silence.

--George Eliot

Canon EOS Rebel T5
1/250s f/4.0 at 75.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
larose forest photos14-Jun-2017 21:49
The words from George Eliot are such a match for this great shot. V
LynnH13-Jun-2017 01:41
Sweet photo and a powerful sentiment. V
Graeme12-Jun-2017 23:54
A love;y capture here, Carol and fitting words.BV
laine12-Jun-2017 20:54
Love the inclusion of your cat silhouette here, Carol...a cut photo
Johnny JAG12-Jun-2017 20:07
Great shot and a brilliant quote
danad12-Jun-2017 16:15
A stunning scene ! V.
jeanb12-Jun-2017 15:20
And I bet that little squirrel's heart is really pit a pattering at the sight of his arch enemy..
Chris12-Jun-2017 12:47
Agree with Dennis the cat is probably far more tense than the squirrel,
does the squirrel even know he is being watched?
Dennis Hoyne12-Jun-2017 03:46
He probably gets the kitty's heart going too, nice shot. V.
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