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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Feathered Friends > A Mating Song!
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A Mating Song!

Still enjoying the Geese and their Mating Season!

LynnH16-Mar-2010 12:31
Yes, I see the song!! Excellent capture! v
borisalex16-Mar-2010 05:24
Going for a swim? Nice story!
Bill Reed16-Mar-2010 02:17
He needs to pay attention, great image. They are a great pair, great captures
Cindi Smith15-Mar-2010 20:20
He'd better work at it or he'll lose her to another goose!;)
Bernard Davis15-Mar-2010 19:03
Happy days for teh geese. Great set of shots.
Guest 15-Mar-2010 18:04
Beautiful series Carol!! Beautiful geese!
Yvonne15-Mar-2010 09:55
What a wonderful series Carol!
laine15-Mar-2010 09:31
gorgeous scenes, Carol.
Stephanie15-Mar-2010 08:51
Terrific geese shot! Looking forward to seeing the babies soon! :^))
Mieke WA Minkjan15-Mar-2010 06:51
a great serial, it looks that the birds enjoy themselves
Lieve Snellings15-Mar-2010 02:59
lovely ! v
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