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CJ Burianek | all galleries >> Galleries >> Feathered Friends > 01Jun05 Eastern Phoebe
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01-JUN-2005 CJ Burianek

01Jun05 Eastern Phoebe

Photo a Day, Day 64...I think this is an Eastern Pheobe Flycatcher.. It has a piece/string of blue tarp under it's foot which it ended up flying off with probably for it's nest.

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Yi Feng26-Nov-2005 03:50
Beautiful shot. So sharp!
Guest 04-Jul-2005 04:28
That bird's got expression!
Guest 02-Jun-2005 08:35
What a little beauty ... he seems to know what you are up to! ;)
Steven Jusczyk02-Jun-2005 05:39
Beautiful capture.
Bryan Murahashi02-Jun-2005 05:16
Fabulous capture.
Robin Reid02-Jun-2005 04:33
Outstanding. Great start for June!
Cindy Flood02-Jun-2005 03:01
Wonderful capture!
Jeffery Stahlman02-Jun-2005 02:18
very nice capyure
Guest 02-Jun-2005 02:08
What a great shot CJ! The dark background and the beautifully detailed bird make this a winner. GMV!
Si Kirk01-Jun-2005 23:43
very nice, superb detail.