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Chris Lock | all galleries >> Greece >> The Islands > Sunset in Santorini
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Sunset in Santorini

As everyone watches the sun set over the caldera rim, I chose to look the other way.

Canon PowerShot A540
1/30s f/8.0 at 23.2mm full exif

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Guest 08-Jun-2009 14:16
I have never seen such beautiful pictures. WOW! Even the places I have been are brought right back to life. Thank you.
monica memoli26-Jan-2008 17:59
Wow! Just wonderful greek mood! v
Lauren 29-Nov-2006 00:15
This is just beautiful. I love your whole gallery
Mercedes 24-Nov-2006 23:22
Your pictures are stunning. Santorini was a dream of mine to visit and when I finally did 4 years ago it was beyond anything I could have imagined. Thanks for bringing me back ;)
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