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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot A540

Canon PowerShot A540 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 21-Feb-2006
Megapixels: 6
Random Canon PowerShot A540 Samples from 12253 available Photos more
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Guest 24-Aug-2006 12:47
I had a friend who had the A510 and I loved it but it was only 3 megapixels, so I was going to buy the A520 but I decided to wait for a higher megapixel version to come out. The A610 was too big, so I continued to wait. Finally the A540 came out. I read online reviews for it before it was in stores and decided that I was going to buy it.

I've had it now for a little over 2 months, I haven't had any problems with it. I've dropped it twice and I haven't noticed any defects with with my last digital camera, after I dropped it the 1st time it stopped working properly. Anyway this camera is great for beginners and has some stuff for people who like to go beyond using the auto button. The start up time is good. If you take a picture with the camera horizontally, when you're viewing the pictures, the camera automatically rotates the image to be right side up, so you don't have to turn the camera. There are many different settings but I haven't really explored all of them. So far I only really have two complaints:
- Flash recharging time, and battery life
If in conditions where you have to use the flash a lot, be sure to carry extra batteries because it kills the battery much faster. regular betteries die quickly in this sure to buy rechargeable. If the battery is dying the flash takes what seems like an eternity to recharge which is really inconvenient at parties and other functions where people are not standing and posing to wait for you to take the picture.

Oh yea and sometimes when viewing my images, the camera toggles between two images before settling to the next image. I consider this a minor problem because it rarely happens. I don't experience that problem with the memory card that was mentioned in one of the other reviews, if i am putting it in incorrectly it will not go in the slot, then I quickly realize that I am inserting it wrong.

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