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Rob Rosetti | all galleries >> Galleries >> Venezia (Italy) > Venetian Pigeon
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03-JAN-2007 Roberto Rosetti

Venetian Pigeon


FujiFilm FinePix S5200 Zoom
1/550s f/5.6 at 52.5mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 06-Jan-2008 16:35
Magnifica! V
Guest 19-Jan-2007 11:27
... yes, the round of the PBase pigeon!:))
Beautiful light and perfect cooperation of the bird!:)
AL15-Jan-2007 04:02
The pigeon seemed to follow us around the world in pbase :-) Fantastic composition and I love the colors and the lines, your signature style. Voted.
david procter14-Jan-2007 11:16
Wow! The colour, the forms..the pigeon!
Guest 13-Jan-2007 07:02
Strong graphic elements with bold colors and a bit of whimsy thrown in the pot! V
Guest 13-Jan-2007 03:17
Wonderful composition!!!! and colours!!!
fred_il12-Jan-2007 21:39
Its so well seen!!!
Guest 12-Jan-2007 07:29
A scene that was made for you. Lines, colours and shapes colliding to create the type of image you see so well, so often. Excellent
Guest 12-Jan-2007 05:28
Terrific composition. This pigeon is very well framed. Superb colors.
Craig Persel12-Jan-2007 00:06
Beautifully composed.
Guest 11-Jan-2007 22:12
Fantastic compo and color.
Did you pay that pigeon to stay there? LOL
Sharon Rogers11-Jan-2007 20:57
beautifully balanced
Guest 11-Jan-2007 20:44
ehssì... supercomposizione...
Guest 11-Jan-2007 18:54
yes, Ray said it... it's a zig-zag photo...
Ray Rebortira11-Jan-2007 17:08
Brilliant composition --- it actually forces the eye to move from left to right, then zigzag to the bottom until one encounters a flirtatious pigeon. Bravo!!!
Kal Khogali11-Jan-2007 14:19
;-)Bravo..fantastic composition and colour Roberto..Love the thick areas of yellow. K
Fong Lam11-Jan-2007 10:52
Hehe, another lonely pigeon, Roberto. Love the sloping pipe and contrasting colors.
Adalberto Tiburzi11-Jan-2007 09:53
Ostrega che compo!
Marc Demoulin11-Jan-2007 09:44
Classy composition Roberto!!
Guenter Eh11-Jan-2007 09:32
Fantastic and well balanced composed Roberto!!!