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Rob Rosetti | all galleries >> Galleries >> Venezia (Italy) > Lamps
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03-JAN-2007 Roberto Rosetti



FujiFilm FinePix S5200 Zoom
1/250s f/5.6 at 14.8mm iso64 full exif

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Robert Charity18-Jan-2007 16:26
wow - very nice composition and good colours, V
olivier bruning16-Jan-2007 12:16
wonderful shot with great framing and colourcontrasts! ~V~
AL15-Jan-2007 04:00
Another gorgeous colors and contrast. Very nice.
ac11-Jan-2007 22:04
Good light, well composed, interestng subject. Love the blue shade.
Fong Lam11-Jan-2007 10:54
Love the close juxtaposition of those lamps to the building. Beautiful strong colors and perspective.
Guest 11-Jan-2007 05:03
Spectacular colors and light. Another Venezian tryptich in a way.
Vilone11-Jan-2007 03:47
Beautiful composition and shot! ~V
Craig Persel11-Jan-2007 00:06
Guest 11-Jan-2007 00:03
Jude is right... Love the division of the image too, and the light on the building!
jude10-Jan-2007 21:01
I think the lamp looks alive - watching the building. Great blue, blue sky
Guenter Eh10-Jan-2007 18:57
Beautiful contrast and colors - Super compo Roberto!