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Hudson Valley Treasures

This is where I live. About 60 miles upriver from New York City lies the entrance to the Hudson Valley. Many people are amazed at the natural beauty that the river Mr. Hudson found brings to an area so close to the city. It is a land of green mountains, steep cliffs, flowing waterfalls, majestic bridges, and....most of all...talented and warm, generous people. It is a most wonderful place to live. In this gallery I will place the treasures of the Hudson Valley...the places, the people, the talent, the warmth, the fundamental elements that all contribute to the magic of the land of Rip Van Winkle, Winslow Homer, The Hudson River School, West Point, and all of the other parts of our wonderful home which I have the honor of capturing for anyone who comes to see.

Charlie Frank
Hudson Valley
Hudson Valley
Fall in the Hudson River Valley
Fall in the Hudson River Valley
2004 MS Swim Across the Hudson
2004 MS Swim Across the Hudson
The Hudson Rhythm Boys
The Hudson Rhythm Boys
Polka Dots and Moonbeams
Polka Dots and Moonbeams
Bannerman Castle
Bannerman Castle
Half Moon
Half Moon