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caveman_lee | all galleries >> Portraits (mostly 200F2.8L and 135F2L) >> Star Chasing Pt III > Kathy Chow
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20-OCT-2006 Caveman Lee

Kathy Chow

Captured this shot during an event in Festival Walk. The beautiful Kathy is one of the top models in Hong Kong.
Other photos of this event are covered in the gallery

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM
1/500s f/2.8 at 200.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Photographer Jonathan Adler10-May-2010 11:03

Stunning, classic beauty
BAS Photography20-Dec-2009 17:21
Great portrait! Lovely model! ~V~
Milan Vogrin16-Nov-2009 13:55
Very nice portait!V!
BAS Photography29-Mar-2008 10:27
Great portrait! ~V~
Guest 11-Mar-2008 12:09
lovely model
Simon Chandler10-Dec-2007 06:23
Beautiful and attractive portrait. v
Guest 03-Dec-2007 14:50
Devilgorgor02-Dec-2007 19:04
so beautiful, like her juicy lips
Guest 21-Jul-2007 04:46
Very sweet portait
Guest 10-Jul-2007 18:39
She's a total beauty!
Love her expression and the way you captured her!
Michael Weinberg22-May-2007 14:02
Hi Caveman. Without question, this gal is sweeter than sugar... inside and out. All my best, Michael.
Yi Feng01-Feb-2007 01:01
Very beautiful! V
1moremile24-Jan-2007 22:36
Absolutely beautiful. v.
Guest 15-Jan-2007 11:06
Absolute photography!
Buz Kiefer27-Oct-2006 21:55
Lovely portrait of a beautiful young woman. vote.
yaffa rennert27-Oct-2006 20:55
Beautiful portrait.
De'Carr Studio27-Oct-2006 18:11
Very beautiful lady..beautiful capture.
Marcia Colelli27-Oct-2006 17:24
very nice portrait and lovely model
QUERIDO27-Oct-2006 17:20
very nice shot,vote
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