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Carole Stevens | all galleries >> Creature capers >> Farm Animals! > Cameroon ram!
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Cameroon ram!

Another image from my trip to the wildlife park!

Canon EOS 20D
1/125s f/5.6 at 260.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Greg Harp29-Nov-2006 03:29
akleja26-Nov-2006 15:13
Debbie B.26-Nov-2006 03:34
I like the grass in his mouth. :-)
Al Chesworth26-Nov-2006 00:27
Wow he's a beauty.
laine8226-Nov-2006 00:05
oops, forgot to tel ya I voted too !!
laine8226-Nov-2006 00:05
What a fine looking fellow !! Superb capture, Cazi....LOL @ JW :>)
Ray :)25-Nov-2006 23:44
Love the richness of his coat!
Jay Levin25-Nov-2006 22:32
Nice head shot, Carole. Never heard of this kind of sheep before.
Jessica McCollum25-Nov-2006 22:22
Awww!!! I think he likes you ; ) Great one!
JW25-Nov-2006 20:36
That's my girl! Superb sheep-portrait!
Peter Stahl25-Nov-2006 18:00
Nice portrait of a good looking ram!!
beverley harrison25-Nov-2006 17:46
baaaa humbug!! nice shot ewe took there caz!!
Johnny JAG25-Nov-2006 15:48
He looks horny.
Guest 25-Nov-2006 14:25
A rather fine beast (and he seems to know it!)
Guest 25-Nov-2006 13:37
edwina beaumont25-Nov-2006 13:18
they are beautiful in their winter coats
nordic25-Nov-2006 12:00
nice shot
Eric Carrère25-Nov-2006 11:08
Beautiful portrait Carole, vote.
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