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Cats can smile too!

Todays Thursday Challenge is "Catch a smile"!
He wasn't too impressed at having his photo taken but he is smiling!
Others catching a smile are on the forum!

For list of entries - 'Catch a Smile'

Canon EOS 20D
1/125s f/8.0 at 55.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bob Moul25-Oct-2006 09:14
Looks like a smirk to me, Carole. Is that a feather I see sticking in his mouth?? LOL
Dave Wixx20-Oct-2006 15:53
"I'm smiling now, but just get a little closer, closer..................."
Bob Floyd20-Oct-2006 14:13
Hmmm, my cats look like this too when they smile.
Susan Leigh20-Oct-2006 07:49
Looks like there should be some canary feathers flying around LOL
Linda Willets20-Oct-2006 04:30
a crafty smile
Bill Warren20-Oct-2006 02:14
A Cheshire grin for sure.
shatterbug20-Oct-2006 00:43
Lol, you have a great imagination ;-) Nice shot!
Cindi Smith20-Oct-2006 00:04
I'm glad this is a smile, but I'm with Deborah on this one! You better feed him quick!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:43
Who is smiling!!!!!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:32
This reminds me of my cat pooh. I will have to post a picture of him now. He just had is 16th birthday.
chrisse19-Oct-2006 21:38
Yep, it's a smile if you look close enough, don't trust that look in his eyes though... ;o)) Great shot.
laine8219-Oct-2006 20:42
Definately a smile in there...somewhere :>)
Nicki Thurgar19-Oct-2006 19:23
Slightly wry smile, I think - typical cat! :o)
Ray :)19-Oct-2006 19:18
I bet lions smile too lol
Johnny JAG19-Oct-2006 19:05
Nice smile.
Jessica McCollum19-Oct-2006 18:44
He does look a bit impatient with you : ) Great capture, Carole!
beverley harrison19-Oct-2006 18:33
he's smiling cos he's just been caught watching the birdies!!
Sheila19-Oct-2006 17:33
That is the most false smile I have ever seen. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him LOL
nordic19-Oct-2006 17:17
Smile with a devious twist!!
royalld19-Oct-2006 16:52
Hmm... I must find my dictionary to look up 'smile'.
Great shot.
Wei O'Connell19-Oct-2006 16:39
So cute and beautiful. Great shot. vote
JSWaters19-Oct-2006 14:19
Really, for a cat, that is a smile - but then go get his dinner!
Bob B.19-Oct-2006 14:05
Don't think that's a smile. More like a "Take the picture and then go get my dinner. Then go away."
Eckhart Derschmidt19-Oct-2006 12:49
Well, he is doing his best! Nicely captured!
Dan Chusid19-Oct-2006 12:47
Better get out the cat snacks!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography19-Oct-2006 12:36
I tend to agree with you Cindi :)))
Nice shot.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 12:32
LOL - he has this look on his face - yes it's a smile, but it's like "Yeah - I'm smiling, now take the *&^%%&* picture and leave me alone!" GREAT SHOT! Voted!
Deborah Lewis19-Oct-2006 12:26
Great shot but he looks like he wants to attack - LOL!
Jola Dziubinska19-Oct-2006 12:17
OK, let's say it's a smile :) rather bored one though.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife19-Oct-2006 12:17
Super shot. Voted.
Al Chesworth19-Oct-2006 12:05
NICE. If thats a smile glad he's not angry.
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