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All Cameras >> Tamron >> Tamron AF 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II LD

Tamron AF 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II LD Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Sep-2006
Lens: 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3
Random Tamron AF 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 Di II LD Samples from 3969 available Photos more
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arlene26-May-2008 19:17
I've found the 18-250 to be a very useful lens. It does require some Photoshop to sharpen it up when the images sometimes come out soft at the 250mm length. But it is capable of taking beautiful candid people shots. I've used it for events, portraits, candids and I've been satisfied with the results. I also like the warm color balance that the lens produces. It's very flattering for skin tones. - Arlene
Here's some 18-250 shots -
olch30-Aug-2007 21:18
Just bought this lens. A bit soft and slow compared to Canon lens, lot of distortion. From the other hand it is very light, compact and has ultra zoom range. Hope that will be OK for allround use. My page here:
Guest 04-Aug-2007 02:39
I love my Tamron 18-250 lens. Here are my shots.
Nicki Thurgar03-Aug-2007 20:36
I've just used this lens for my recent trip to Devon - shots are here: Many more to be downloaded...!
V25-Jul-2007 23:34
V25-Jul-2007 23:22
pbase/dvoiselle/TAMRON 18-250 for SAMPLES

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