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Jim Wright | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sites off the usual Tourist Track in Xi'an, China > These are "Yao Dong" (cave dwellings)
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These are "Yao Dong" (cave dwellings)

Canon EOS 350D
1/200s f/9.0 at 10.0mm iso400 full exif

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mauricio 27-Aug-2014 17:58
I want to buy the photo for a book, can you tell me where can I do that?

Thank you
Heather 29-Nov-2008 13:44
Hi James! I'm an ESL teacher and teacher trainer in Pakistan. I'm doing a reading section on "homes of the world" and I'd like to include your photo in our student workbook to be produced here in Pakistan. The workbook is being sponsored by the non-profit Ali Institute of Education in Lahore. Let me know at Thanks.
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