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08-FEB-2018 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Frozen Orchid

So Sad

This plant seems to not have make it through the recent cold spell in our Solar Room - not even with the 3 Space Heaters going full blast.

I don't know what will happen now. For some reason, the emerging flower stalk seems to still be alive. The very end is "frost burnt", but the other two buds still seem to be okay. Can things survive without leaves? Also, do Orchid leaves regrow after being damaged? This is all new for me.

However, at the moment things don't look very good. I currently have 11 other orchid plants that also look like this. The cold this Winter has been awful. My orchid plants were all healthy with gorgeous leaves a month ago. Seeing them freeze like this has been disheartening.

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laine09-Feb-2018 07:34
I hope it's strength will push sad to lose plants this way.