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Bill Warren | all galleries >> Galleries >> Laugh at Life > The joy of the garden hose
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The joy of the garden hose

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Pawel03-Apr-2009 12:56
Mostafa Moftah08-Dec-2007 22:28
Great photo.. ~V~
Guest 17-Oct-2007 04:06
And this. Great moment. Like the composition and the balance of light and dark.
Guest 02-Jun-2007 05:33
The combination of the light and the kids obvious surrender to the moment and the water in stop motion give this picture resonance. It is both joyful and mysterious.
Luis A. De Jesus 04-May-2007 14:26
Poignantly powerful. All moments are fleeting, but this one is truly dramatic and heart moving.
Lee G03-Feb-2007 06:44
Pure fun! One great shot!
Guest 03-Sep-2006 21:59
look at my belly! LOL! such a joyful image...
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