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beverley harrison | all galleries >> the_previous_years >> pad_year_2 >> june-pad-2 > where have all the poppies gone.......
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where have all the poppies gone.......

don't forget tommorows fun challenge 'look up' then photograph it!!

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Guest 02-Jul-2006 17:36
I think Norfolk has more poppies than most places in England, but not enough.
We should start a campaign!
Excellent image Bev - voted.
JW23-Jun-2006 17:35
An old farmer told me they only come back to the same field once every 7 years but with modern cheicals we are lucky to see them at all!

Lovely scene
Ray :)23-Jun-2006 10:54
ooooh, love this. Fantastic crop.
virginiacoastline22-Jun-2006 14:58
still beautiful even tho th epoppies are fewer
chrisse21-Jun-2006 19:55
What a beautiful scene, not a single house anywhere. Beautiful.
Jola Dziubinska21-Jun-2006 18:11
Very nicely done.
nordic21-Jun-2006 17:35
Excellent comp & crop.
Bob B.21-Jun-2006 17:30
Very nice Beverley! I remember being in the Cotswolds a number of years ago and trying, unsuccessfully, to capture the poppies in the wheatfields. Nicely done here!
Guest 21-Jun-2006 17:17
Very nice! Love the crop!
Lee Rudd21-Jun-2006 16:49
I dunno! can't find one at all down here... nice rich reds
Jessica McCollum21-Jun-2006 16:09
Looks like there are still quite a few around there! Great wide angle shot, Bev!