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Bernd Koenemann | all galleries >> Las Fotonovelas >> El Amor en los Tiempos de la Lluvia > El Amor y La Lluvia: Touching, Holding
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El Amor y La Lluvia: Touching, Holding

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Bartosz Kotulski30-Nov-2008 22:51
Fantastic. Well composed with beautiful mood and great lighting.My big V
Sonny 15-Nov-2008 06:49
I usually stay inside on rainy days but this photo has inspired me to get out and capture a special moment.
Phyllis Stewart01-Nov-2008 06:07
This would be a wonderful image if posted in higher resolution. All the jpeg artifacts make it very hard to really see and appreciate.
Yiannis Pavlis03-Aug-2008 20:25
So simple, yet so beautiful. This has a dreamlike quality.
Yves Rubin06-Jul-2008 03:58
Superb work! Love the touch of light around them. V!
Guest 02-Dec-2007 14:24
Great story told in this image.
Guest 02-Dec-2007 13:56
what a lovely image
Ken Zaret24-Nov-2007 15:31
wonderful image
Enrico Martinuzzi13-Oct-2007 16:58
incredible capture. GMV
Luca Bracci07-Oct-2007 19:42
this is a really well done picture! thank you for sharing! voted
Zeev Parush28-Sep-2007 18:53
I think this is one pf your best images
Guest 13-Sep-2007 03:51
Quite and amazing find....
judi207-Apr-2007 01:53
I love this.....touching and beautiful love story..