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Bernd Koenemann | profile | all galleries >> Cartagena de Indias, Colombia >> Impresiones de la Ciudad tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ciudad Amurallada | Castillo San Felipe | La Popa | Bocagrande and Laguito | Castillogrande | Castillogrande Sunsets | Our Winter Home in Cartagena, Colombia | Paseo Peatonal | Tropical Impressions: Las Islas Del Rosario | Sail Cartagena and SurOpti 2006 | Mud Attraction | More Mud | Los Trabajadores | Nuestro Apartamento | Impresiones de la Ciudad | Ships Etc. | Making Chocolate | Beyond the Streets of Privilege | Turbaco | A Presidential Evening | Sidetrip: El Naranjo

Impresiones de la Ciudad

This gallery contains a hodge podge of images from around town. Although Cartagena is the major tourist center in Colombia, it also is a living, breathing everyday city. During the day time, life on the streets in the city center is dominated by the locals.

Note: new images appear at the beginning of the gallery.

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Lovingly Restored
Lovingly Restored
Centro Hotel
Centro Hotel
Essential Cartagena:Balcony and La Catedral
Essential Cartagena:
Balcony and La Catedral
Camell�n de los Martires, Getsemani
Camell�n de los Martires, Getsemani
Awaiting the Tourists
Awaiting the Tourists
Los Pegasos and Teatro Colon
Los Pegasos and Teatro Colon
La Catredal
La Catredal
Typical Balcony
Typical Balcony
Los Estimados Clientes
Los Estimados Clientes
The Seller of Lottery Tickets
The Seller of Lottery Tickets
El Gerente de la Ferreteria Peatonal
El Gerente de la Ferreteria Peatonal
Home Depot on the Sidewalk
Home Depot on the Sidewalk
Hard Rock for Some,Hard Work for Others
Hard Rock for Some,
Hard Work for Others
The Colors of Colombia
The Colors of Colombia
�Quieres Frutas?
�Quieres Frutas?
Trying to Avoid Wardrobe Malfunctions
Trying to Avoid Wardrobe Malfunctions
Un Grupo Folclorico
Un Grupo Folclorico
Fractal Hairdo
Fractal Hairdo
Which Planet Are They From?
Which Planet Are They From?
Scary Guy
Scary Guy
The Boys of the Band
The Boys of the Band
Let's Run to See the Band
Let's Run to See the Band
Waiting for the Parade
Waiting for the Parade
The Parade Has Arrived
The Parade Has Arrived
La Mujer
La Mujer
Worn Out by Time and the Elements
Worn Out by Time and the Elements
Las Ni�as
Las Ni�as
Los Ni�os
Los Ni�os
Los Colores del Caribe
Los Colores del Caribe
Work and Fun
Work and Fun
Fruits to Go
Fruits to Go
Daily Traffic
Daily Traffic
Street Business
Street Business
La Catedral
La Catedral
Donkey Cart
Donkey Cart
Old Town Balconies
Old Town Balconies
House in the Evening Light
House in the Evening Light
Balconies in Front of La Catedral
Balconies in Front of La Catedral
Teatro Heredia
Teatro Heredia
Sunset Over the Old City Wall
Sunset Over the Old City Wall
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