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Bernard Bosmans | all galleries >> Galleries >> seabreezes > Water edges
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Water edges

Canon PowerShot A610
1/1250s f/5.6 at 29.2mm full exif

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Lieve Snellings18-Feb-2010 01:57
awesome, v
bill friedlander01-Apr-2009 18:40
Nice layers of color. Good capture of the breakers. V
Ceya25-Oct-2008 20:27
Wonderful strength and mood! Fantastic shot! V
Soenda27-Mar-2008 18:05
Bands of different color, translucence and texture make this photo a sampler of the sea. I tried counting the different layers, but when I discovered the variations within the breaker itself I gave up. It's an image that teases the senses, with phantom impressions of ocean sounds, smells and salty tastes arise as you look. I can't think of anything with the same power to calm and center a nervous soul than the breaking surf. You've caught it at just the right light, free of glare yet white and frothy...bright droplets of spray frozen in midair...smooth breast of the beach groomed by the back slosh. An aquamarine rainbow of a shot.
kimene S07-Jan-2008 10:38
beautiful!! V V V V!
Guest 21-Jan-2007 11:31
Nice composition! you got your white balance spot on!
marie-jose wolff18-Oct-2006 19:54
great composition !
Jolanda Luynenburg01-Jul-2006 05:27
Nice shot, i like the colors very much.