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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot A610

Canon PowerShot A610 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 23-Aug-2005
Megapixels: 5
Random Canon PowerShot A610 Samples from 13665 available Photos more
g3/64/625264/3/57051343.resized_0047.jpg g6/64/625264/3/72607327.iQbdIJYA.jpg g1/49/807049/3/97586184.DBONHgLc.jpg g6/64/625264/3/72604140.x0CsNoVT.jpg
g6/64/625264/3/72603934.VjDDm5sd.jpg g3/64/625264/3/56350469.resized_0003.jpg g5/92/11092/3/99471040.Yk0Z50JQ.jpg g6/56/398356/3/69310878.jZBafA50.jpg
g6/55/769955/3/83053574.vbyXzPYn.jpg g4/73/133073/3/64300335.pKOCrkDD.jpg g4/29/786229/3/92270043.UosrB3nf.jpg g2/09/424009/3/149890937.YmPTyh1x.jpg

Guest 13-Jun-2006 03:16
I've just started a new site where I collect links to interesting Canon A610 links to images samples, user reviews and feedback, tips and tricks and other resources :>
Isabel Cutler23-Oct-2005 15:37
Want to add something very important for those of you who have been aggravated by focus and shutter lag. This is an extremely fast camera. It can keep up with toddlers! I am happier with it, with every new picture I take.
Isabel Cutler21-Oct-2005 12:21
I bought the A610 as an update to my beloved A80 mainly because I wanted a larger lcd. I have to state up front that my posted images are not straight out of the camera. They have been edited to bring out their best. The colors from the A610 seem to be less saturated than those from the A80 so I have often "enriched" them with a little curves adjustment. I believe the camera has greater noise reduction at higher ISOs than what (if any) was in the A80. ISO200 images, if properly exposed, don't really need any further noise reduction. The construction of the camera leaves something to be desired. The tiny door for the Secure Digital card seems vulnerable. There are two bright spots on the lcd which started out at the top of the screen, but are now down on the bottom. I understand others have seen this. I'm just going to ignore them. Most appreciated improvements over A80: Faster focusing, gain up of the lcd in dark situations, easier exposure bias setting,excellent auto white balance - amazing for tungsten, better video.

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