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Daniel Beams | profile | all galleries >> People and Places around Bolivia >> La Paz and the Altiplano of Bolivia -- Landscapes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

La Paz and the Altiplano of Bolivia -- Landscapes

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To learn more about our work in South America visit _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A few images from around La Paz, Bolivia. Please vote for this gallery if you feel so inclined. Enjoy.
010511_6640.jpg 010511_6628.jpg 010511_6626.jpg
010511_6620.jpg 010511_6643.jpg Illimani
La Paz Park Altiplano Sky Lago Titicaca
la-paz-city-view-154.jpg Llamas Tiwanaku
Altiplano Altiplano church Cordillera Real
Lake Titicaca and Cordillera Real Huayna Potosi La Paz
From hotel window Illimani sunset Chruch and cemetery
Llama Old church tower Storm on altiplano
Fishermen Lago Titicaca Ferrys on Lago Titicaca
Lago Titicaca Puerta del Sol Thistles
paz-704.jpg tiwanaku-504.jpg Lago Titicaca
Valle de la Luna Valle de la Luna Valle de la Luna
062906-053.jpg 062906-035.jpg El Alto
Illimani g6/28/527328/3/80933711.ae8yBWeB.jpg