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Brad Claypole | all galleries >> Galleries >> Latest > Morning moors
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Morning moors

This image took 3rd Place in the 104th Show & Tell Competition - Trees.

Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
1/320s f/3.5 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 24-Mar-2010 13:49
Magical morning!Beautiful hues!V
bill friedlander18-Feb-2009 00:46
Gorgeous image. The bands of color are marvelous and the lonely tree is nicely placed in the frame. V
Bartosz Kotulski30-Dec-2008 17:46
wonderful composition and amazing mood.Voted
Guest 20-Dec-2008 05:29
congratulations on the winning.
Thierry Lucas15-Dec-2008 20:17
Beautiful. V
Eric Herbelin01-Dec-2008 15:43
Superb! V
Guest 26-Nov-2008 01:43
Great colors! V
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)10-Nov-2008 02:11
Nice transitions of colours and light. V!
B. Shortall - BCS Photography09-Nov-2008 22:33
I know what you are trying to do!! Like it.
Sandi Whitteker09-Nov-2008 18:54
Fabulous layers of colors of beautiful hues and shades. Beautifully simple.
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