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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ireland > Blue Cottage
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Blue Cottage

One of the best photo of Irish GOAL Late Late Show Photo Competition 2009.

Nikon D80
1/50s f/7.1 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 15-May-2021 10:49
10-Jul-2015 21:20
Vote !!!
Guest 26-Feb-2014 18:37
Beautiful composition and colors under fantastic light!
Guest 25-Feb-2013 15:28
love this...
carlogalliani28-Dec-2012 14:53
Great colorfull shot !
katjas15-Sep-2012 08:24
outstanding beautiful!BV
The Ellisons15-Mar-2012 08:15
Oh, this is almost too beautiful to be true. Award-winning!! V+
Guest 20-Jul-2011 11:31
Superb ,amazing details and colours .
Lamar Nix27-Jun-2011 02:00
Solid all around, and a great story! Excellent image.
marko gregoric04-Apr-2011 19:52
Excellent!!! BV
Geoionela31-Dec-2010 16:41
Beautiful image!
kennygan19-Oct-2010 00:09
Simply amazing image.
meekam tam14-Oct-2010 12:06
Beautiful colours and composition! V
shatterbug16-Sep-2010 06:53
Absolutely marvelous colors, and great light here!
Lieve Snellings29-Jul-2010 17:10
I already said it, but I want to repeat, the light is so fantastic ! love the little stip of the moon...
Blandine Mangin28-Jul-2010 08:07
very beautiful light ! v
larose forest photos25-Jul-2010 03:07
It is a stunning image, a winner for sure. Beautifully done. V
s reeves19-Jul-2010 17:23
Spectacular - love the saturated colors. Vote.
Alexander16-Jul-2010 18:34
super colour, and how fantastic to have the moon in there too
Gary Hudes22-Jun-2010 02:52
Truly a winner, this image. Marvelous. V
zyziza19-Jun-2010 08:53
Fantastic colors and compo!
Chris Spracklen10-Jun-2010 23:29
Awesome colours, Bartosz, and an interesting composition. (V)
Galina Stepanova08-Jun-2010 15:50
Superb, painting like.
Great artwork, Bartosz!
monica memoli04-Jun-2010 07:29
Just perfect!!!!!!!!! v
Marcia Rules24-May-2010 23:03
stopping by again. This is one of my favorite images on Pbase! Hope you have a large print hanging in your home...!!!!
Guest 04-Mar-2010 12:20
owesome!!! is it the moon in the upper-right?
great shot !
KAI-WING LEUNG26-Feb-2010 17:52
Excellent colours, light and composition! V
viljamix04-Nov-2009 13:31
Indeed, gorgeous colours, beautiful light and nicely composed as well.
Guest 13-Oct-2009 14:07
Great color and light. Nice touch getting the moon in the upper corner.
Sue Robertson13-Oct-2009 04:09
WOW!.. v
Guest 15-Sep-2009 00:42
Outstanding! U caught my attention!
Lisa05-Sep-2009 04:29
What a gorgeous that the moon I see in the upper right?
vicente machado 01-Sep-2009 01:56
Light is all.
Artist06-Aug-2009 06:06
One of the most beautiful image ever!!!!
Steve Mockford21-Jun-2009 20:51
I have returned to this image many times. The number of comments certainly attest to the fact that I am not the only who finds this to be an outstanding image. ~V~
Guest 10-Jun-2009 15:45
An impressive image, wonderful colors and details overall, my compliments!
Kim04-Jun-2009 21:11
Fantastic colors and i like the framing very much! V
alexeig31-May-2009 21:57
Dramatic colors ... almost otherwordly ... Voted
urs28-May-2009 18:58
What a beautiful picture. The colors so vibrant. The house so pretty. Congrats on the competition. Big V
Guest 26-May-2009 18:12
Really beautiful light and composition.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography26-May-2009 00:35
Very beautiful image, Voted.
Lieve Snellings20-May-2009 04:30
wonderful photo, v
Marcela Mejia Photography19-May-2009 03:03
Very unique and effective composition, great use of light. V
Tom Munson15-May-2009 15:11
The light and composition are perfect! A wonderful image!
Guest 13-May-2009 15:11
Colorful and well composed!!!
humbert04-May-2009 21:20
amazing shot, amazing colors
laine04-May-2009 17:59
I see i am not the first to find this shot amazing...the light is perfect. V
Guest 02-May-2009 01:42
what an odd haircutt. I think the schrutmpps (how do you spell that anyway?) would love it.
Ali Majdfar29-Apr-2009 08:33
Stunning capture, ~V
Sam_C29-Apr-2009 05:16
Stunning shot!! Amazing light and beautiful composition on this shot. Big Vote!
Guest 26-Apr-2009 14:39
Amazing light! V
Ivona Dajewski 24-Apr-2009 04:45
Absolutely beautiful! It’s my favorite. Color, light and composition...totally unreal. Looks like painting.
Guest 22-Apr-2009 10:51
Beautiful shot. I like the colour alot.
Jeffrey Lewis Knapp21-Apr-2009 00:08
very unique and awesome shot. good color and contrast......
Buba Jafarli06-Apr-2009 13:12
Cplendid combination of colors again! V.
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte28-Mar-2009 22:29
What an awesome shote. The tones and treatment are fantastic,

waterfalls man04-Mar-2009 00:14
Beautiful Shot & Comp V
Martha Albuquerque27-Feb-2009 15:17
Lovely! Colors, composition, light, mood :) Vote~
Guest 24-Feb-2009 16:01
It's all been said!!! This is delightful.
Gian Piero Presazzi22-Feb-2009 10:07
Fantastic shot.
Robert Charity14-Jan-2009 11:40
wonderful light and composition, v
Tom Briggs10-Jan-2009 15:05
Dynamite photo ... perfect in every respect ... voted
Linda09-Jan-2009 05:17
Striking and memorable! GMV!!
Thierry Lucas11-Dec-2008 21:09
Very nice capture. V
Dave Hawkins09-Dec-2008 02:07
Stunning color!
Lisa04-Dec-2008 15:38
Michel CORBOZ03-Dec-2008 11:17
Very well composed and incredible colors.....great shot
Gus Rosenfeld03-Dec-2008 06:43
Great capture Bartosz! It's amazing what that little moon will do, even when the light is overwhelmingly impressive and beautiful, as it is here. g
Guest 01-Dec-2008 14:40
Beautiful colors!
Guest 20-Nov-2008 16:20
Great composition! Moon is in the perfect place!
Kerry Tingley19-Nov-2008 15:32
Beautiful colors! The light is perfect. v
Guest 07-Nov-2008 04:02
stunning light & colors! -v
Jola Dziubinska31-Oct-2008 19:18
Fairy-tale scene and colors, vote.
Bill Taylor31-Oct-2008 04:42
Very Nice ! V
Patrick Allender30-Oct-2008 14:48
I really like how you brought out the contrasting colors of the blue wall with the warmer colors of the other stones surfaces. The texture of the roof is another huge plus.. Great picture! V
Marisa Livet30-Oct-2008 13:27
All seems to have been already said on this picture.
It's a winner and it's unique in his charm!
Bert de Vos28-Oct-2008 17:14
Great image with wonderful colours and composition. Very well seen. v
Guest 26-Oct-2008 15:47
Beautiful color and light. The image glows. GMV
Bryan Murahashi25-Oct-2008 17:04
Beautiful light and colors in this capture. Like the tiny moon as well. V
Guest 25-Oct-2008 12:29
Fantastic, Bartosz. The comosition and colors are perfect. Well done. V
pr_rajan25-Oct-2008 09:20
...its a real dream!...great!
globalgadabout24-Oct-2008 14:41
strong composition and vivid colours...V
Katie Chew23-Oct-2008 23:47
Beautiful colors, light, and composition. V
Vince23-Oct-2008 12:32
Excellent composition. Beautiful colors and light. Vote.
Simon Chandler23-Oct-2008 05:03
Fantastic work. Excellent pov and composition with vivid colors. v
GP Merfeld22-Oct-2008 21:10
Such a wonderful sense of color, texture, form, and atmosphere. Beautiful work.
Jean-Michel Peers19-Oct-2008 08:38
Beautiful image with stunning light. Perfect POV.V!
Eric Herbelin06-Oct-2008 10:18
sublim saturation! v
Guest 04-Oct-2008 04:22
fantastic colors, and a good composition! v
January Grey02-Oct-2008 03:20
Beautifully composed & captured. The colors & light are stunning. V~
Pawel18-Sep-2008 23:51
Great theme and colours. v. Swietna fotka
Guest 10-Sep-2008 22:50
Very beautiful, it seems like one of those places that does not belong to this time.
The light on this photo is very well captured.
Guest 10-Sep-2008 02:14
rick bolt09-Sep-2008 14:57
so pretty. v
Jean Chiasson07-Sep-2008 23:24
Excellent image vote
J Ponces05-Sep-2008 10:41
Absolutly stunning!
Marcia Rules05-Sep-2008 00:11
outstanding....I wish this was mine!
Guest 04-Sep-2008 07:32
Great colours!V
Guest 15-Aug-2008 22:26
Quite nice. Perfectly sets the mood. Nice capture. V
PauloCGama12-Aug-2008 21:07
from the mood & compo to the fantastic light: all stunning!
cheers. ...v
Peter Stahl12-Aug-2008 04:12
Colors and comp are outstanding. Excellent job!! GMV.
Guest 09-Aug-2008 18:04
Amazing shot! The light is fantastic!
John Florning09-Aug-2008 15:30
One of my favourites. Great shot, fantastic colors and composition.
Jim Coffman09-Aug-2008 12:03
Absolutely stunning!! V
Guest 09-Aug-2008 07:46
WOW! superb colours!-v-
Guest 09-Aug-2008 00:08
So warmful image. Love the colors and the light. V
Bill Robinson08-Aug-2008 02:17
Beautiful comp and light captured.
Guest 08-Aug-2008 01:39
Beautiful Shot , Comp & Colors V
Rob Oele07-Aug-2008 11:05
Wow, stunnig colors and light.
coaster06-Aug-2008 20:12
Fantastic photo with great colors; well seen.
Guest 04-Aug-2008 20:42
Magic photo!
Apostolos Tikopoulos04-Aug-2008 19:59
Excellent composition, light and colours. V.
Alina02-Aug-2008 11:04
You have great eye for light and composition Bartosz. v
Jim's Atavistic Visions01-Aug-2008 23:51
Beautiful lighting, composition and warm color! V!... Josefina
Guest 31-Jul-2008 16:29
Beautiful warm light, colors, clarity....I like the bold dynamic shapes and textures as well...V!
Yiannis Pavlis31-Jul-2008 12:40
The light and colour saturation are gorgeous!Well seen, composed and presented.V
PauloCGama29-Jul-2008 23:10
Gervan29-Jul-2008 08:52
Beautiful colors and framing. V.
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes28-Jul-2008 01:54
Amazing colours..Nice composition. V
Guest 26-Jul-2008 12:42
Wonderful shot!
Evaristo Buendia Carrera25-Jul-2008 03:11
Magical! V
Guest 22-Jul-2008 12:10
fine shot! DD
Guest 20-Jul-2008 10:12
Absolutly beautiful image
Bryan Murahashi19-Jul-2008 05:15
Beautiful colors and like the touch of the Moon here. V
gilanuriel18-Jul-2008 20:10
Perfect work.
Marco Valk18-Jul-2008 17:25
composition and colors are perfect. well done. vote
Thomas18-Jul-2008 16:20
really good composition & color processing!
Guest 18-Jul-2008 06:17
Warm rich colours,beautiful!V
-17-Jul-2008 19:05
Well colored and nice composition ! Vote
Giancarlo Guzzardi14-Jul-2008 08:10
beautiful image captured
Martin Schiff20-Jun-2008 04:28
Great image. The colors are amazing.
Guest 14-Jun-2008 19:10
Very beautiful! V
Ken Zaret11-Jun-2008 03:05
the gentle curve to lower right draws you in, and the colors and comp. take over. well done!
Petros Labrakos06-Jun-2008 15:06
unique architecture
impressive colours
an overall fine entry!
Guest 05-Jun-2008 03:47
Beautifully seen and captured. My favorite.
william mahan03-Jun-2008 13:27

Fabulous use of colors and contrasts....beautiful shot!
Peter Sussex29-May-2008 16:44
Fantastic colours and unbelievable lighting.
H2M29-May-2008 13:36
Beautiful light and colors! V.
Jola Dziubinska25-May-2008 19:53
Beautiful, vote.
Apostolos Tikopoulos22-May-2008 17:59
Fantastic colors and composition. V.
QUERIDO22-May-2008 07:40
Beautiful shot,vote
Guest 21-May-2008 08:46
fine composition and mood, great use of light and colours, v.
Guest 17-May-2008 15:26
Great comp, light&colors!
(Also love the presence of the moon)
Steve Sharp16-May-2008 16:43
My word, this is good! Its like something out of a children's fairytale, with the bright primary colours.
James10-May-2008 03:42
Nice colors. Very warm. V
Guest 05-May-2008 15:43
Great shot, wonderful colors! v
Bill Robinson04-May-2008 00:36
Eye catching light and composition.
Guest 12-Apr-2008 17:14
superb colours
bill friedlander12-Apr-2008 15:50
Great. Looks like it is out of a fairy tale.
Michele Lee12-Apr-2008 15:11
Great composition! Love the lighting and color! ~v~
endre novak12-Apr-2008 15:08
superb colours, well composed image.
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