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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Babies and Kids >> Kuba:) >
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Nikon D80
1/125s f/6.3 at 50.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Anthea's Photography10-Apr-2011 00:37
Little monkey written all over this little ones face, lol, such a wonderful personality captured.
Giancarlo Guzzardi09-Sep-2010 15:19
a great portrait and a fine work on the tonality. Splendid.
H. P. Henriksen Starman06-Sep-2010 20:14
Wonderful portrait. v.
Carol Rollins04-Sep-2010 04:15
This is fabulous, Bartosz. Excellent work. ~
cambraniz01-Sep-2010 07:46
Simply magical. V
Guest 31-Aug-2010 20:00
Just lovely!! :)
Tom Munson31-Aug-2010 15:24
Fantastic portrait! Well done!
Simon Chandler30-Aug-2010 20:00
Excellent portrait. Creative composition with great lighting. v
Guest 30-Aug-2010 14:41
outstanding image bartosz.-bv-
Milan Vogrin30-Aug-2010 12:25
Giancarlo Guzzardi30-Aug-2010 07:28
great image and treatment high key
Brian McAllister30-Aug-2010 04:54
Great job! V
Guest 30-Aug-2010 01:50
Gorgeous shot.
Guest 30-Aug-2010 00:21
Great portrait. V
Jim Coffman29-Aug-2010 19:47
This is one of the finest high key portraits that I have veer seen. BV
Máire Uí Mhaicín29-Aug-2010 19:25
Lovely high-key work. You caught a fine expression on this little one's face.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad29-Aug-2010 19:22
Beautiful high key treatment. Well done. V
Graeme29-Aug-2010 19:21
A most lovely portrait. Great work.BV!
Stephanie29-Aug-2010 19:03
What a beautiful portrait! BV
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography29-Aug-2010 18:40
Beautiful high-key portrait, Voted !
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