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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Weddings >> Justyna&Pablo...Again???!!! >
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Nikon D80
1/125s f/1.0 iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Yiannis Pavlis17-Aug-2010 13:07
Wonderful emotive picture. Lovely shot !!!
Joanne Kamo17-Aug-2010 11:56
Wow! An amazing and creative image!!
January Grey17-Aug-2010 06:07
Terrific POV & composition! A fun shot!
laine16-Aug-2010 23:55
Wonderful POV...great shot.
Steve Mockford16-Aug-2010 22:48
A unique shot (something not often seen in wedding photography). Very nicely done Bartosz.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)16-Aug-2010 22:32
Wonderful photo play with composition and colour cropping.
Stephanie16-Aug-2010 22:17
Brilliant work! V
McGarva16-Aug-2010 21:33
Great play with colour and perspective!
Jim Coffman16-Aug-2010 20:20
Great angle to emphasize the scene!
Michal Leszczynski16-Aug-2010 19:50
Great!!! V!
Guest 16-Aug-2010 19:29
they are on top of the world.
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