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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Connemara and Connemara National Park > Connemara Sunset
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Connemara Sunset

Nikon D80 ,Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC MACRO
1s f/14.0 at 27.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 08-Sep-2010 15:03
Fabulous - love the composition and the feel of the photo. gmv
Nora van Beek29-Jul-2010 00:49
Love this surreal scene. Beautifully composed and amazing light! ~V~
Tom Briggs03-Apr-2010 11:13
Stunning photo, Bartosz ... and your treatment of it is perfect as well. I particularly like the composition with the top of the fence line adding depth and definition to the scene. Beautifully done ... voted
Guest 01-Apr-2010 13:09
Something certainly has their attention! Beautiful rural scene. V.
Ali Majdfar29-Mar-2010 19:31
Superb capture, excellent. ~V
Tom Munson29-Mar-2010 15:02
Fantastic light and framing! Great work!
Marco Valk27-Mar-2010 11:27
Terrific image; awesome depth. voted
goelsamuel26-Mar-2010 11:07
Gorgeous shot with superb composition! V!
Luca Zanoni25-Mar-2010 20:33
Guest 24-Mar-2010 10:44
Beautiful work with wonderful composition and tones, Bartosz!
Bryan Murahashi24-Mar-2010 04:27
Beautiful scenery with its many visitors. GMV.
Jola Dziubinska23-Mar-2010 16:22
Fabulous work, wonderful dreamy landscape. V.
H. P. Henriksen Starman23-Mar-2010 16:12
Wonderful shot. v.
Randy Adams23-Mar-2010 14:15
Fantastic composition Bartosz! Lighting, sky, perspective, details---all perfect! Bravo! V
Vince23-Mar-2010 13:14
Fabulous looking scene. Superb light and colors. Vote.
Guest 23-Mar-2010 10:12
wonder, wonder, wonderful.
Giancarlo Guzzardi23-Mar-2010 07:40
a light as a revelation
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak23-Mar-2010 05:45
Wonderful image!!! - superb capture. ~V~
Lieve Snellings23-Mar-2010 03:29
wow so beautiful scene, so fantastic light ! colours are so great, BV
James O. Harle23-Mar-2010 01:37
Awesome composition and mood...V
Hank Vander Velde23-Mar-2010 01:19
Beautiful pastoral scene superbly captured Bartosz.
Valene23-Mar-2010 00:41
Wonderful image! V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad23-Mar-2010 00:19
Very surreal image. Well done. V
Sue Robertson22-Mar-2010 23:54
Fantastic work!... vv
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography22-Mar-2010 23:54
Excellent and a bit surrealistic image, Voted.
Guest 22-Mar-2010 23:46
nice view, cool PPT Bartek :o) I like that cows with such background ... well done ! V~!
Marcia Rules22-Mar-2010 23:22
captivating details and life-like presentation..BV!
Jim Coffman22-Mar-2010 23:16
A top notch composition and great image! BV
Char22-Mar-2010 23:14
A wonderful scene Bartosz! Excellent capture. \/
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