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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Connemara and Connemara National Park > Connemara
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This image is a composite of 36 seperate images

1/80s f/14.0 at 12.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
joseantonio12-Nov-2013 21:19
My favorite area in Ireland.V.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)06-Aug-2010 11:58
Love the colors...and frame!BV
Guest 28-Feb-2010 10:13
stuning frame ! v
bill friedlander28-Feb-2010 01:40
Beautiful WA angle landscape view. A dramatic panorama. V
Guest 26-Feb-2010 17:40
Fantastic work! Really outstanding! You must be a very patient person :) V
Jim Coffman26-Feb-2010 13:39
Simply amazing work!
Randy Adams26-Feb-2010 12:32
Fantastic panorama Bartosz! Bravo! V
Aivar Mikko26-Feb-2010 09:26
Beautiful panorama.
Guest 26-Feb-2010 04:27
Amazing work. BV
marko gregoric26-Feb-2010 04:05
Wonderful panorama. V.
Hank Vander Velde26-Feb-2010 01:54
Beautiful image, well composed Bartosz.
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