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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Connemara and Connemara National Park > The Twelve Pins-Connemara National Park
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The Twelve Pins-Connemara National Park

This image is a composite of 18 seperate images
The best in original size:)

1/125s f/14.0 at 12.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 20-Dec-2010 17:34
Incredible scene, great detail. Well done!
Guest 15-Feb-2010 21:25
Excellent image (especially the original size!) - the light is fantastic and the slightly curved horizon creates the sensation of being on top of the world. Kudos for that 18 image stitch! BV!
Ali Majdfar14-Feb-2010 18:38
Superb capture! ~V
Vince12-Feb-2010 15:59
Breathtaking panorama shot. Vote.
marko gregoric03-Feb-2010 05:41
Wonderful landscape and stunning panorama. V.
NealyBob02-Feb-2010 23:20
Absolutely beautiful landscape image~!
Carol Rollins02-Feb-2010 00:30
Oh my gosh! Absolutely stunning image Bartosz. Exceptional capture. ~
Denise J. Johnson28-Jan-2010 19:25
This is astounding! Incredible beauty! V
Michael Shpuntov20-Jan-2010 03:37
Wonderful panorama of very beautiful place. Vote
waterfalls man19-Jan-2010 03:38
Excellent V !!
Guest 15-Jan-2010 21:14
Piêkne! az chciloby sie tam pojechac i zobaczyc to na wlase oczy! BV
January Grey14-Jan-2010 01:26
Seamless beauty! Excellent work! V~
Guest 13-Jan-2010 23:20
Beautiful panorama, Bartosz. Your work is spectacular. BV
globalgadabout13-Jan-2010 14:36
outstanding and expansive view...excellent work in combining all the originals into this breath-taking image...V
Lise Trempe12-Jan-2010 21:01
Very beautiful and impressive image, light and details are fantastic.
Guest 12-Jan-2010 19:15
Wow! Well worth the effort as this is simply a jaw dropper! V.
Martha Albuquerque12-Jan-2010 15:45
B e a u t i f u l . V
Guest 12-Jan-2010 14:55
wonderful as all are.
Carol Rollins12-Jan-2010 13:43
Fantastic, impressive panorama Bartosz! Love that sun! Beautiful image. Bravo. ~
Jay Levin12-Jan-2010 03:19
Excellent panorama. This is done with great skill. Outstanding work.
Raymond Ma11-Jan-2010 00:24
Wow, an absolutely gorgeous shot. Looks like your on top of the world! V
Guest 10-Jan-2010 22:28
18!!! Fantastic! V
Galina Stepanova10-Jan-2010 18:59
Brilliant work, Bartozs!
bill friedlander10-Jan-2010 18:40
Awesome shot and outstanding processing. Bravo. V
Marisa Livet10-Jan-2010 18:13
A splendid and well composed panoramic photo, so sharp and well exposed.
I think that the flares don’t disturb at all here, on the opposite they give lfe to the image!
Guest 10-Jan-2010 02:42
Awesome, love the flare on this one. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography10-Jan-2010 00:43
Beautiful image, Voted.
lou_rozensteins09-Jan-2010 23:57
Beautiful work. Very well done.
Hank Vander Velde09-Jan-2010 23:41
SUPER job Bartosz. BEAUTIFUL image
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad09-Jan-2010 23:02
Spectacular! Despite the barrel distortion of the lens. V
Patricia Kay09-Jan-2010 22:38
Absolutely stunning Bartosz......BV
Lieve Snellings09-Jan-2010 22:21
Nick Arena09-Jan-2010 22:12
Stunning scenery...V
Jim Coffman09-Jan-2010 20:53
It doesn't get better than this!! BV
Michal Leszczynski09-Jan-2010 20:27
A very beautiful panorama, excellent photo. V.
zyziza09-Jan-2010 20:06
so this is The World!
McGarva09-Jan-2010 19:41
Wonderful work ... shows this park in its full splendour! ... V
marie-jose wolff09-Jan-2010 19:05
fantastic panorama, superb composition with sharp details! V
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