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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Travel >> Incredible Cambodia > Siem Reap
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Siem Reap

Nikon D80
1/320s f/9.0 at 18.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Linda10-Oct-2009 01:20
The light and the detail you have captured in this street scene is so interesting. ~V~
Buba Jafarli09-Sep-2009 16:55
Unbelievable light! what an atmosphere! V.
Liz Bickel02-Sep-2009 16:27
Incredible toning and composition.
an nguyen30-Aug-2009 00:44
A sense of nostalgic and moody image.
poetry66620-Aug-2009 17:29
Super street scene Bartosz.V!
Guest 19-Aug-2009 09:40
Great ambiance you capture here ! vVv
waterfalls man18-Aug-2009 23:48
Excellent V
Aivar Mikko14-Aug-2009 17:44
Beautiful light.
marie-jose wolff13-Aug-2009 20:28
Beautiful evening light, great mood! V
globalgadabout13-Aug-2009 15:51
excellent framing and a warm hazy sun capture well the ambiance of this lively town...V
Carol Rollins13-Aug-2009 13:00
Wonderful light and mood for this great street scene. ~
Randy Adams13-Aug-2009 12:26
Beautiful Bartosz! V
zyziza13-Aug-2009 12:03
Excellent shot! V
Guest 13-Aug-2009 10:38
Beautiful light for this street scene. Excellent comp as well!
NealyBob13-Aug-2009 08:45
Fantastic image! Love the color and mood~! V
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak13-Aug-2009 06:26
Interesting scene and a great color! ~V~
Sam_C13-Aug-2009 05:05
Superb!! BV
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad13-Aug-2009 02:57
Great colour in the sky, love the atmosphere. V
Jim Coffman13-Aug-2009 02:14
Wow, what a great street scene! I love the light. V
Marcela Mejia Photography13-Aug-2009 01:44
Great image. V
LynnH13-Aug-2009 00:49
Very beautiful light!!! Love the composition too. Very nice! V
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