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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Sunsets&Sunrises > Windmills
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Nikon D80
1/400s f/10.0 at 18.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Adjacir Cidrão28-Oct-2009 11:51
nice composition and scene Bartosz.
Chad Ramsey25-Jan-2009 02:52
Ah, we have these close to us! Neat silhouettes~V
Darbowski10-Dec-2008 10:15
Excellent shot ! V
Steve Highfield16-Oct-2008 19:16
Really good find and composition. +V
XiaoBernard9916-Oct-2008 12:36
Very well seen this compo and exposure.
Guest 16-Oct-2008 04:01
Well done, I love the colours. ---V
Marcia Colelli16-Oct-2008 02:55
lovely colors and nice capture V
Marcia Rules16-Oct-2008 01:29
lovely silhouette, Bartosz! calming tones, love the big sky effect...voted
Guest 16-Oct-2008 00:50
A very unique capture, Bartosz. Well done. V
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