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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Old Galleries >> Sunsets&Sunrises > Cold Evening
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Cold Evening

Nikon D80
1/125s f/5.6 at 18.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 27-Feb-2009 12:38
Totally beautiful. zm
Jean D25-Feb-2009 21:14
Beautiful scene and extremely well composed, Bartosz! ~V~
Paul L-R17-Dec-2008 18:31
Beautiful, soft, delicate colours. V
deborahcuming16-Dec-2008 13:27
it may be cold, but sure feels warm! wonderful capture of a stunning scene!! V
CM Kwan13-Dec-2008 13:20
Wonderful mood, colours and composition, Bartosz! V
waterfalls man13-Nov-2008 00:43
Excellent shot, V
Jim Coffman28-Oct-2008 19:00
Beautiful in so many ways! V
Yiannis Pavlis16-Oct-2008 13:46
A very attractive image!
The perspective you’ve decided is exclusive . V
Guest 10-Sep-2008 22:59
I bet this was one of those great moments, I am glad You captured it . . .
an nguyen21-Jul-2008 10:17
Calm and romantic sunset. V
Guest 21-Jul-2008 00:48
Great sunset colours _V_
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