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Azalea Society of America | profile | all galleries >>  Azaleas... >>  Evergreen azaleas... >>  Alphabetic... >>  Evergreen (L)... >>  Lab - Lep... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

 Lab - Lep... |  Lil - Lin... |  Lit - Lyr...

 Lab - Lep...

'La Belle Helene'
'La Belle Helene'
'La Belle Helene'
'La Belle Helene'
'Lady Louise'
'Lady Louise'
'Lady Robin'
'Lady Robin'
'Lady Robin' variation
'Lady Robin' variation
'Lake Ontario'
'Lake Ontario'
'Landon Pride'
'Landon Pride'
'Landon Pride'
'Landon Pride'
'Late Love'
'Late Love'
'Laughing Water'
'Laughing Water'
'Laughing Waters'
'Laughing Waters'
'Laura Holm'
'Laura Holm'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura Morland'
'Laura's Baby'
'Laura's Baby'
'Lavender Light'
'Lavender Light'
'Lavender Queen'
'Lavender Queen'
'Layne Ashlee'
'Layne Ashlee'
'Lee Thomas'
'Lee Thomas'
'Leon's Amy'
'Leon's Amy'