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Tom Sherry | all galleries >> Galleries >> Panoholic > Detroit Airport Pedestrian Tunnel
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Detroit Airport Pedestrian Tunnel

Travelers walk through a light and music show between terminals.
3 pic pano

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René Gysi19-Jan-2011 23:17
Great perspective. Superb! V
Barbara Heide30-Sep-2007 08:39
congrats! this was my personal favourite...
Barry S Moore30-Sep-2007 07:24
Very well done considering the long exposure and stitching. Great colours.
Guest 26-Sep-2007 06:50
Outstanding image - this is WOW!
Barbara Heide23-Sep-2007 02:35
fantastic shot! great colours!
Marisa Livet22-Sep-2007 06:57
I find this splendid!