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Antonio Ruggiero | profile | all galleries >> Turin and Pedmont / Torino e Piemonte - 16 subgalleries >> Turin - The slice of "Polenta" tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cards from Turin - Italy | Turin - Medieval village | Turin & Snow | Royal Palace of Venaria and Rivoli Castle - Turin | Museo Egizio - Turin - Italy | National Cinema Museum of Turin | "Porta Palazzo" - Turin - Italy | No Venice Carnival - Italy | Turin - Church of the Holy Face | Turin - The slice of "Polenta" | Cherasco - Italy | Small lakes - Avigliana - Sirio - Viverone - Italy | "Langhe" region of good wine | Saluzzo - Staffarda- Italy | Racconigi - Italy | Aosta - Italy - The Sant'Orso Fair | The Lamentation over the Dead Christ

Turin - The slice of "Polenta"

Turin - The slice of Polenta Turin - The slice of Polenta Turin - The slice of Polenta Turin - The slice of Polenta
Turin - The slice of Polenta Turin - The slice of Polenta Turin - The slice of Polenta Turin - The slice of Polenta
Turin - The slice of Polenta Turin - The slice of Polenta Turin - The slice of Polenta Turin - The slice of Polenta