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Antonis Sarantos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street Portraits > 2 Jun 2005 "Lonely rising"
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2 Jun 2005 "Lonely rising"


I will be away for a week and i won't have internet access.
The place that I will go is Mountain Athos.
It is the most holy place of Orthodoxy.
You can have an idea by clicking the image below and visiting the relevant gallery.
I promise you new pictures of this amazing place as soon as I come back.
I will miss you all...

22 Jan 2005

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/500s f/5.6 at 28.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
J S Quesada27-May-2012 23:49
Awesome composition! V
J. Scott Coile13-Jun-2005 21:06
So often the mundane things in life suck the life/soul out of us until we become zombies in our shell of a body. It looks like your attention may have lifted her for a moment! Nice.

Looking forward to the images from your journey!
scott clarke13-Jun-2005 18:43
Love the tonal range in this Antonis.
Guest 12-Jun-2005 06:15
Hope you had a great week at Mountain Athos. Can't wait to see your new gallery
poetry66605-Jun-2005 23:41
Excellent composure Antonis!
northstar3704-Jun-2005 09:41
have fun!
Stu03-Jun-2005 21:57
Excellent. She caught you, and she doesn't look too happy!
Guest 03-Jun-2005 21:48
Master of the stairs!
Guest 03-Jun-2005 19:43
I have seen pictures with similar composition, however, the pattern of the wall and reflection of stairs on the elevator is really cool in this one.
Guest 03-Jun-2005 10:27
i love her expression...why is this guy taking a picture of me? :)
enjoy your time away.
Chris Sofopoulos03-Jun-2005 09:34
Very artistic b&w. Good eye!
Guest 03-Jun-2005 07:23
Look at U..
Great comp..
Good day Antonis
Costi Jacky 03-Jun-2005 05:12
Great composition, nice capture.
b-w studio03-Jun-2005 03:34
Excellent capture. I always wanted to do a shot like this.
Guest 03-Jun-2005 03:06
great capture and composition!!
i like very much the expression of the woman.... great b&w too...
Di03-Jun-2005 02:58
And we will miss you. Wishing you a fantastic trip. (Another great image, BTW)
Karen Leaf03-Jun-2005 00:37
Counting the days already until you return. Stay safe, and have a wonderful journey.
Guest 02-Jun-2005 23:27
Nice shot. Have a nice trip, gives me something to look forward to seeing too. Tfs
Guest 02-Jun-2005 22:59
Another nice shot!
Guest 02-Jun-2005 22:06
Neat composition. Take care.
Pepe Zyman02-Jun-2005 21:35
Very cool composition. The lady doesn't look very happy!
Guest 02-Jun-2005 21:27
I thought she had you there... j/k
Sheena Woodhead02-Jun-2005 20:35
Excellent,love the diagonal of the escalater and the expression on the lady's face. Have a good trip.
Gary Winters02-Jun-2005 20:21
Another great shot, hurry home!
Ray :)02-Jun-2005 20:20
Ah! The conveyor belt of Life!

Have a great break....
Lee Rudd02-Jun-2005 20:20
she does look a bit wary of you! Nice angles

have a lovely trip
Guest 02-Jun-2005 20:06
Have a great trip, Antonis. We look forward to the
pictures when you return!
Gail Davison02-Jun-2005 20:01
Have a great trip Antonis, can't wait to see the new photos.
JeremyGood02-Jun-2005 19:19
We will miss you, but anticipate some wonderful images from your trip.
This woman seems to be only slightly annoyed that you're taking her picture.
Cliff02-Jun-2005 18:37
Wonderful shot - have a great trip - we'll miss you too! :o) - enjoyed your gallery of Mountain Athos.
Susanne02-Jun-2005 17:51
Enjoy your trip and your padding. I look forward to seeing your new galleries when you return.
Guest 02-Jun-2005 17:40
have a great trip!! Antonis
Dan Chusid02-Jun-2005 17:31
Thinking to herself: Boy, I'm glad I'm on the up escalator... that guy with the camera sure looks supicious. ;^O
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