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Three Leaves

Canon EOS 5D
1/160s f/8.0 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 05-Mar-2008 00:53
Perfect match! Personally I fell the tone is a little bit too dark. But the texture is great here.
Susanne v. Schroeder24-Nov-2007 03:38
Beautiful glow on these leaves. Very nice!!
Treas06-Nov-2007 11:28
I am new to pbase and just discoverd this contest. All the shots are wonderul yours is amazing.
Dominic Cantin31-Oct-2007 05:27
Even if i'm not a black & white fan , your image deserved the first place on S&T contest. Congrats !
Dom :)
Guest 29-Oct-2007 10:07
wow! It's amazing...
And congrats for winining S&T Competition :-)
Guest 28-Oct-2007 20:20
Great composition - wonderful lighting!
Mike :o)
Guest 28-Oct-2007 12:03
wonderful B&W and compo, my vote
GP Merfeld22-Oct-2007 22:41
An extraordinary image!
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