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Suzy Walker-Toye | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Suzy Walker-Toye
Name Suzy Walker-Toye (joined 17-Apr-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username suzy_walker
Personal URL
Location London
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View Galleries : Suzy Walker-Toye has 107 galleries and 3032 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 2482917 times.

View Guestbook : 15 messages. Most recent on 05-Apr-2011.

Message from Suzy Walker-Toye

NOTE: Feb 2013 – I’m selling all my Nikon & Subal gear. Please contact me if interested. I’ll post something soon with pictures and prices but get in before the rush!

Hello, Thank you for viewing my photos. I hope you enjoy viewing my photos as much as I enjoyed making them. Please feel free to leave comments (constructive criticism or just to tell me if you like them).


Follow me on my Blog at:

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or be a fan on my facebook page:

Contact form (emails a private message directly to me):

I've just joined GiffGaff, use this link if you want to join too and we'll both get a free £5 credit :)

About Me:

My two main passions are underwater photography and travel.

Purchase selected images as cards & prints:
For UK:

If you see images from my galleries that are not available to buy please contact me and I will make them available. Hopefully I shall have them available as stock photos soon too.

It’s not about the gear – it’s about vision and opportunity but this is for you all gear enthusiasts ...
I have recently started using an SLR (Nikon D300) both above and below water (in a subal housing). See Venice and Cebu for my first stab at Holidaying with it. I used compact digital cameras for many years, for most of the older images I used the Fuji finepix F810 (until I drowned it in Lembeh whilst scuba diving). I then moved on to using an Olympus sp550 (I loved this camera)! See the Indonesia and Peru galleries for examples. I also have a Canon G7 which I use less often as I cannot seem to get on with the seeming narrow 35mm viewfinder (the oli is 28mm). The Exif (camera information) should be displayed under each photo.

About my Pbase galleries:

Each ::Gallery:: is listed with a representative picture, please click the picture to enter the gallery. Within each gallery is a list of thumbnails and you can click for larger images (or click the slideshow link at the top right of the page). The galleries are organised into the following: Underwater, Travel, Macro, Best of 2008, Other (which includes London, Portraits, older Best Of’s, PAD, parties and everything else) and Most recent 20 (are copies which changes each time I upload more).

If you get stuck navigating there is a treeview link at the top of each page to show you where you are in the list of galleries.

PBase has limited the guestbook to PBase members, but I would love to get your comments at the Gallery pages or under images you like. There’s a voting link at the bottom of the pages where you can vote for galleries or images you like and that means that other people are more likely to see them. Also, for guests typing in their email address it looks as though I get to see them but they are hidden for everyone else.

Most of the images have been downsized to be max 700 px across for ease of viewing. Please contact me if you would like more details about a particular image.

Please enjoy browsing my galleries.

These maps are only *slightly* misleading as they block in the whole country. For example, I have only been to New York but its blocked in the whole of North America! Anyway, if you
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