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Nikon D850 ,Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di Macro
1/5s f/32.0 at 180.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Graeme07-Jun-2024 11:45
Gorgeous inner beauty.V
Guest 24-Apr-2021 00:12
Amazing beauty, I greatly admire this composition.
Kevin D Warren24-Apr-2021 00:12
Amazing beauty, I greatly admire this composition.
Ken Batiuk16-Mar-2021 00:36
A charmingly intimate composition. V.
Anna & Christian RECK09-Apr-2020 15:29
Just a real gem!! BV. Anna
Ton T.07-Apr-2020 09:43
Outstanding work! V
MarcViskens06-Apr-2020 21:11
very very pretty
Tom LeRoy06-Apr-2020 09:01
Outstanding detail and colors and the sharpness is superb. The 180 Tamron/ 850 combo. works great here. V
Fong Lam06-Apr-2020 03:36
Very impressive macro work and such a unique shiny smooth center too...V
FrankB06-Apr-2020 03:12
a most interesting and unusual macro. I like the "bunch of bananas" effect! V
David Buzzeo06-Apr-2020 00:46
Amazing macro. VV
Nirvan Hope06-Apr-2020 00:41
'Tis a gem. A superb macro.
Don05-Apr-2020 23:34
Nest with green egg!
marie-jose wolff05-Apr-2020 23:25
a pure jewel! V
Marcia Colelli05-Apr-2020 22:22
Excellent macro with wonderful sharp details. V
Pete Hemington05-Apr-2020 20:33
cracking macro
Nestor Derkach05-Apr-2020 19:02
A great close up floral image nice sharpness at the eye of the Daisy like flower .
Center sharpness impressive the detail amazing.
joseantonio05-Apr-2020 18:39
fascinating image.Very nice work.V
Don Mottershead05-Apr-2020 18:36
Beautiful image. V
Colin Storey05-Apr-2020 18:08
Fantastic sharp close up.
Julie Oldfield05-Apr-2020 15:59
Outstanding detail. Lovely. V
danad05-Apr-2020 15:48
Beautiful close-up ! V.
Guest 05-Apr-2020 15:41
Beautiful detailed shot.
Carl Carbone05-Apr-2020 15:41
Beautiful detailed shot.
Marisa Livet05-Apr-2020 15:39
A great macro, with remarkable sharpness, well balanced. There are metallic reflections in the centre of the flowers
Neil Marcus05-Apr-2020 14:50
How intricate this is. They look lie miniature bananas. Beautiful surrounded by the petals. "VV"
globalgadabout05-Apr-2020 14:30
fascinating...very accomplished work Walter..V
Marcia Rules05-Apr-2020 14:04
Terrific work! It's very classy! BV
Jeff Real05-Apr-2020 13:54
Quite amazing!
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