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Nikon D700 ,Tamron SP AF 180mm f/3.5 Di Macro
1/500s f/5.6 at 180.0mm iso400 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Don05-Apr-2020 23:34
Beautiful with immaculate detail.
Marisa Livet05-Apr-2020 15:37
Marvellous. The freshness of the droplets and the presence of the fly, that balances the poetry of the image...
Jeff Real30-Sep-2019 14:26
This macro is stunning in its beauty and perfection in the execution!
Anna & Christian RECK28-Sep-2019 16:36
What a refreshing and very lovely macro!! I like it very much!! BV. Anna
Yvonne27-Sep-2019 11:32
Exquisite... especially with the rain drops! v
marie-jose wolff27-Sep-2019 09:27
delicate and beautiful with all these rain drops! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal27-Sep-2019 06:19
Beautiful capture with all these water droplets. V
Gill Kopy27-Sep-2019 06:03
Beautiful - looks like a couple of flies dropped by for a drink :) V
David Buzzeo27-Sep-2019 01:36
Lovely image. V
Julie Oldfield27-Sep-2019 01:00
Perfect capture. So lovely. V
bill friedlander26-Sep-2019 23:22
Lovely colors, looks so fresh with the drops. V
Pierre26-Sep-2019 22:31
Un pur délice pour les yeux, une photo magnifique de cette corolle couverte de gouttelettes d'eau! V
joseantonio26-Sep-2019 18:42
looks so lovely with the raindrops.V.
Colin Storey26-Sep-2019 18:23
Beautiful image with those lovely water drops.
Tom LeRoy26-Sep-2019 17:29
Excellent single bloom with droplets so poetic and delicate. Sharp, outstanding color palette. So nice to see this fine camera and lens combo in action, Walter. V
Neil Marcus26-Sep-2019 16:49
The droplets against the defined lines in the flower hold my attention. Such beauty there. "V"
Jim Coffman26-Sep-2019 16:41
Extremely nice detail in this colorful capture!!
Charlene Ambrose26-Sep-2019 16:35
Beautiful exposure and that little fly is a nice accent! V
Ursula Miller26-Sep-2019 16:16
Beautiful flower with all these water droplets and the small fly! V
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