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Alex Uchôa | all galleries >> Projetos >> Seleção Bora > carambola
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Nikon D70
1/13s f/16.0 at 50.0mm full exif

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thais 06-Feb-2006 23:35
na simplicidade, o encanto...realmente estupendo...parabens!!!
Luise 03-Feb-2006 14:25
Your shots are wonderful!
Guest 14-Dec-2005 13:25
i guess this thing too (like coffee ,cashew,and tapoica) came from brazil to my homeland,wud be nice to visit your contry one day,very nice pics you have here in this gallery,
Guest 29-Nov-2004 11:18
Bela Foto Uchoa. Bela Foto. Parabéns.
Guest 22-Nov-2004 01:55
Nice shot of this star shaped fruit. I am from India and my mother tongue is one of the many many languages that are spoken in India. I was really surprised that you call this "Carambola"...We call it "Carmbal". Is'nt world a small place ? :-)